Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Festival 8 - Day One

Some of you may know that my favorite band is (and has been since I was 16) Phish.  This Halloween weekend circumstances allowed for me to attend a three-day festival put on by the band in Indio, CA.  It was the eighth festival in their history, and thus it was called Festival 8.  I happened to bring my camera along and I shot a few photos of the event.

Day One:

Ryan and I left SLC around 3:30pm on Thursday arriving in Indio around 2am.

Wading in a sea of hippies while we patiently await the band.

The last time I saw Phish was their supposed "last concert ever" in Coventry, VT in 2004 (coincidentally, this could be referred to as Festival 7).

This could very well be my favorite image from the weekend.

Phish has always had an amazing light show accompany their concerts thanks to Chris Kuroda.


More to come with Day Two...

1 comment:

Jimmy Bunting said...

Wow! Your pictures turned out amazing. I take back everything that I thought about you. Ha!